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By: Q. Eusebio, M.B. B.CH. B.A.O., Ph.D.

Deputy Director, Tulane University School of Medicine

Overcrowding cholesterol levels young adults buy cheap vytorin 30mg on-line, abundant fly population cholesterol friendly foods list purchase vytorin 20 mg online, insanitary conditions cholesterol ratio desirable cheap vytorin line, paucity of water and poor personal hygiene contribute to the dissemination and persistence of the infection cholesterol test before eating cheap vytorin 20mg with visa. Trachoma seldom occurs in pure form in endemic zones where secondary bacterial or viral infections superimpose. The latter helps in transmission by increasing the conjunctival secretion and adds to the severity of the disease due to gross cicatricial sequelae. Localized aggregations of lymphocytes form follicles which undergo necrotizing change. The necrotic and cicatricial changes in trachoma follicles distinguish them from non-trachomatous follicles as none of these changes develop in the latter. Clinical features In most of the cases trachoma has an insidious onset after an incubation period of 5 to 15 days. In pure form it is a symptomless disease which undergoes spontaneous regression in persons with good personal hygiene. Acute or subacute onset of trachoma is seen in adults which resembles bacterial conjunctivitis in signs and symptoms. The symptoms of trachoma include foreign body sensation, watering, itching, photophobia and redness. The infection involves both the conjunctiva and the cornea at about the same time in majority of cases. Papillary hyperplasia of conjunctiva involves mainly the upper palpebral conjunctiva that appears congested, red and thickened. Follicle is the characteristic lesion of trachoma preferentially appears on the upper palpebral conjunctiva. The follicles appear on the lower palpebral conjunctiva as well and, occasionally, on the bulbar conjunctiva. The trachoma follicles are bigger in size and variable in consistency (soft in the center and firm in the periphery) as compared to the follicles of follicular conjunctivitis. Multiple star-shaped scars are seen in trachoma of moderate severity and white thick dense scarring of upper tarsal conjunctiva is commonly found in severe recurring trachoma. The cornea is almost always involved in trachoma more or less simultaneously with the conjunctiva. Small punctate epithelial erosions over the upper half of the cornea can be demonstrated by fluorescein stain. A superficial avascular keratitis and a thin pannus (lymphoid infiltration with vascularization of the upper limbus) may be evident on slitlamp biomicroscopy in the initial stages of trachoma. However, the pannus becomes obvious with the extension of blood vessels from the vascular loops towards the center of the cornea associated with dense cellular infiltration. In progressive pannus, the cellular infilt- ration lies beyond the terminal ends of nonanastomozing parallel vessels. But in regressive pannus, the vessels extend a short distance beyond the area of cellular infiltration. The pits are highly pathognomonic of trachoma as none of the other ocular diseases is known to produce them. Superficial irregular indolent ulcers may develop at the advancing edge of the pannus as a result of breakdown of pustules. Classification the course of trachoma is arbitrarily divided into four stages by MacCallan. I-Trachoma Stage 1 (Incipient Trachoma) Incipient trachoma represents the earliest stage of the disease with minimal papillary hyperplasia and immature follicles on the upper palpebral conjunctiva associated with micropannus. Sometimes, clinical signs are nonconclusive and laboratory investigations like demonstration of inclusion bodies and isolation of Chlamydia trachomatis are required to confirm the diagnosis. This classification is helpful for paramedical field workers to diagnose and manage the disease. Complications and sequelae Corneal ulceration and occasional iritis are the complications of trachoma.

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In the presence of severe cholesterol lowering food tips order vytorin line, uncertain cholesterol lowering foods almonds buy generic vytorin pills, or persistent conjunctivitis cholesterol medication list generics cheap vytorin 30mg otc, treatment with broad-spectrum antibiotics or topical antibiotic combination preparations should be initiated immediately cholesterol medication lose weight vytorin 30mg cheap, even before the laboratory results are available. Clinical course and prognosis: Bacterial conjunctivitis usually responds well to antibiotic treatment and remits within a few days. Fulminant course: infection may be spread by unsterile eyedrop bottles and contact Gram-negative Pseudolens holders. The bac- monas aeruginosa (Bacillus terium emits an pyocyaneus) enzyme (proteoglycan) that can penetrate the cornea within 24 hours. Topical: broad-spectrum antibiotic (see above) Haemophilus influenzae conjunctivitis Subacute Bacteria Haemophilus aegyptius (Koch-Weeks) conjunctivitis Acute Highly infectious conjunctivitis prevalent in warm countries, rare in temperate countries; eyelid swelling, chemosis, subconjunctival hemorrhaging, Haemophilus aegyptius pseudomembranes, (Koch-Weeks): fine Gramcorneal ulceration negative rods Topical: broad-spectrum Minimal discharge, antibiotic moderate irritation (circumscribed in the 0. Axenfeld diplobacillus): large Gram-negative diplobacilli Continued Topical: broad-spectrum antibiotic (tetracycline, kanamycin, gentamicin) Moraxella conjunctivitis Subacute 4. As in inclusion conjunctivitis Rare in temperate countries but endemic in warm climates. Lymph follicles on the palpebral conjunctiva of the upper eyelid, cicatricial entropion, ptosis, trichiasis, corneal scarring, xerosis of the conjunctiva. Chlamydia trachomatis (serotype A-C) Trachoma Chronic Viruses O O Epidemic keratoconjunctivitis Acute No specific treatment is possible. Human interferon (Berofor) prevents infection in exposed patients (extremely expensive). Keratitis and keratoconjunctivitis always accompanied by crops of vesicles on an erythematous base on the eyelids O O O Herpes simplex conjunctivitis O Herpes zoster ophthalmicus Acute, mild Herpes virus Varicella-zoster virus Continued 89 Table 4. The parasites are visible with the naked eye under the conjunctiva and will flee the light of the slit lamp). Frequently associated with mycotic keratitis or secondary to mycotic canaliculitis Hyphae As with mycotic keratitis: systemic and topical antimycotic therapy Surgical removal of the caterpillar hairs, topical steroid therapy Fungi Mycotic conjunctivitis Acute 4. In the newborn (see neonatal conjunctivitis), this occurs at birth through the cervical secretion. In adults, it is primarily transmitted during sexual intercourse, and rarely from infection in poorly chlorinated swimming pools. Symptoms: the eyes are only moderately red and slightly sticky from viscous discharge. Diagnostic considerations: Tarsal follicles are observed typically on the upper and lower eyelids, and pannus will be seen to spread across the limbus of the cornea. As this is an oculogenital infection, it is essential to determine whether the mother has any history of vaginitis, cervicitis, or urethritis if there is clinical suspicion of neonatal infection. Chlamydia may be detected in conjunctival smears, by immunofluorescence, or in tissue cultures. Treatment: In adults, the disorder is treated with tetracycline or erythromycin eyedrops or ointment over a period of four to six weeks. Children should be treated with erythromycin instead of tetracycline (see the table in the Appendix for side effects of medications). In endemic regions (warm climates, poor standard of living, and poor hygiene), it is among the most frequent causes of blindness (see Table 4. The progression is entropion, trichiasis, keratitis, superinfection, ulceration, perforation, and finally loss of the eye. Typical signs include severe illacrimation and itching accompanied by a watery mucoid discharge. Diagnostic considerations: Characteristic findings include reddening and swelling of the plica semilunaris and lacrimal caruncle and nummular keratitis. Cortisone eyedrops should usually be avoided as they can compromise the immune system and prolong the clinical symptoms.

A gap or hole in the upper sector of the iris suggests surgical coloboma cholesterol levels seafood chart buy vytorin 30mg line, while its presence in the lower sector is often due to a defective development cholesterol levels za generic vytorin 20mg amex, congenital coloboma inergy cholesterol medication buy 20 mg vytorin with visa. Melanoma less cholesterol in eggs purchase vytorin 20mg without prescription, tuberculoma, gumma and sarcoidosis may manifest as raised nodules on the iris surface. Abnormal vascularization of the iris is often seen in diabetes, occlusion of the central retinal vein and melanoma of the iris. Adhesion of the iris with the cornea (anterior synechia) is a common sequel to perforation of the corneal ulcer. Posterior synechia (adhesion of the iris with the lens) is frequently seen in iridocyclitis. Normally, iris rests on the anterior surface of the lens, but this support is lost in aphakia resulting in tremulousness of the iris (iridodonesis). The pupillary size remains in a continuous state of flux adjusting to the change in ambient illumination and fixation distance. It tends to be smaller in infants and elderly persons than in young adults, and smaller in brown eyes than in blue eyes. Consensual light reaction is demonstrated by exposing only one eye to the light (blocking the light from the other eye by keeping the palm at the level of nose) and watching the pupillary reaction in other eye. The swinging flashlight test is performed by asking the patient to sit in a room with diffuse background illumination. A bright light from an indirect ophthalmoscope is directed briskly and rhythmically from eye-to-eye several times and differences in pupillary reaction, if any, are noted. Near reaction is a synkinesis consisting of convergence, accommodation and pupillary constriction (miosis). The reaction to convergence and accommodation is determined by asking the patient to focus on a far point and then telling him/her to look at a pencil brought near to the eye suddenly and held 15 cm away-normally the pupils constrict while the eyes converge. If the pupillary Pupillary Light Reactions Normal pupil reacts to light directly or consensually as well as to convergence and accommodation. Direct light reaction is elicited by keeping the patient in a dark room and asking him to fix gaze at a distant object to prevent activation of the near reflex. A normal pupil reacts briskly to the light and its constriction remains sustained unless the light source is removed. An ill-sustained pupillary reaction (Marcus-Gunn pupil) is found in retrobulbar neuritis owing to afferent conduction defect. It is found in the lesions of anterior visual pathway, diabetes mellitus, and pretectal lesions. Abnormal pupillary reactions are encountered in the lesions of the visual pathway and the common ones are described here. The syphilitic lesion of the tectum affecting the pupillary pathway often results in Argyll-Robertson pupil wherein the pupils are small and the light reaction is impaired, but the reaction to convergence and accommodation is retained. Apparently a tonic pupil does not react to light and convergence, but careful examination reveals a very sluggish reaction with long latent period. Small constricted pupils (miosis) are found in persons using topical miotics or systemic morphine. Other causes of small constricted pupils are irritation of third nerve by pontine hemorrhage and sympathetic paralysis. A unilateral miosis due to sympathetic paralysis is accompanied with narrowing of palpebral fissure, slight enophthalmos and unilateral absence of sweating. Dilatation of pupils (mydriasis) occurs after instillation of mydriatic or cycloplegic drugs and the patient often has difficulty in doing near work. The common causes of pupillary dilatation are- acute congestive glaucoma (large vertically oval pupil), absolute glaucoma, optic atrophy, third nerve palsy (ophthalmoplegia interna) following meningitis, encephalitis, lead poisoning or orbital. Sometimes, unilateral dilatation of pupil may occur from irritation of the cervical sympathetics by enlarged cervical glands in the neck, apical pleurisy, cervical rib, meningitis and acute anterior poliomyelitis. Many of these cases subsequently develop pupillary constriction from sympathetic paralysis. A small, irregular, sluggishly reacting or immobile pupil associated with muddiness of the iris is the hallmark of iritis. Irregularity and immobility of the pupil occur due to posterior synechiae, and instillation of a mydriatic results in a festooned or pear-shaped incompletely dilated pupil.

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Visual fields: Perimetry or clinical assessment of the visual fileds enables detection of early glaucoma cholesterol medication dangers vytorin 30mg mastercard. It is important to correlate changes in the visual field with changes in the optic nerve head cholesterol medication taken off market generic 30mg vytorin amex. Provocative test: In suspicious cases with borderline intraocular pressure high cholesterol foods bacon purchase vytorin american express, provocative 232 Textbook of Ophthalmology of the two high cholesterol test online best 30 mg vytorin. Medical therapy is generally preferred for open-angle glaucoma and it should be instituted as soon as the disease is diagnosed. The drugs used act either by decreasing the rate of aqueous formation or by increasing the rate of aqueous outflow, or both. The medical treatment that achieves this goal with lowest risk and fewer side effects should be employed. Then he drinks approximately one liter of cool water within a span of five minutes. The intraocular pressure is measured at 15 minutes intervals for one hour or until the pressure stops rising. A rise greater than 8 mm Hg is suggestive of a pathological response seen in patients of open-angle glaucoma. The rise in intraocular pressure induced by water intake is probably due to the transfer of water from diluted blood into the more concentrated aqueous humor. It is suggested that a positive response of water-drinking test is a function of baseline intraocular pressure and may not be related with presence or absence of glaucoma. It is judged by the stabilization of the visual field defects and evaluation of the appearance of optic nerve head. The reduction of intraocular pressure can be obtained medically, surgically or by a combination Adrenergic Drugs Nonselective Epinephrine (adrenaline) Dipivalyl epinephrine Selective Clonidine Apraclonidine hydrochloride Brimonidine Beta-blockers Nonselective Timolol maleate Levobunolol Carteolol Metipranolol Selective Betaxolol Glaucoma Prostaglandins Latanoprost Travoprost Bimatoprost Unoprostone 233 Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors Systemic Acetazolamide Dichlorphenamide Methazolamide Topical Dorzolamide Brinzolamide Practically all miotics produce side effects due to miosis which include diminished night vision, reduced visual acuity, particularly in the presence of axial lens opacities, myopia due to spasm of accommodation and generalized constriction of visual field. Adrenergic Agonist Adrenergic agonists are divided into selective and nonselective agents. Nonselective Adrenergic Agonist Epinephrine and dipivefrin increase the trabecular and the uveoscleral outflow. Nonselective adrenergics are replaced with a more effective selective alpha 2- adrenergic agonists. Side effects like ocular irritation, blepharoconjunctivitis, conjunctival pigmentation, precipitation of angle-closure glaucoma (due to mydriatic effect), cystoid macular edema, elevated blood pressure and cardiac arrhythmias may occur. Dipivalyl epinephrine (dipivefrin) is a prodrug which is converted into epinephrine after absorption into the eye. It is superior to epinephrine because of better corneal penetration, greater hypotensive effect (10 times greater than epinephrine) and fewer side effects. Cholinergic Drugs the cholinergic agents used are those having a direct parasympathomimetic effect resembling the action of acetylcholine at the receptor sites. Pilocarpine is a parasympathomimetic drug which is currently less frequently used in openangle glaucoma. The pressure lowering effect of pilocarpine begins within 20 minutes and reaches its peak in about 90 minutes and lasts for 4 hours. For a slow and sustained release of the drug, pilocarpine may be administered by ocuserts or in soaked hydrophilic contact lenses. Ocuserts are available as Pilo-20 system (1% solution) and Pilo-40 system (2 to 4% solution). They can be inserted either in the lower or upper fornix for a constant release of a steady concentration of the drug for 7 days. Selective Alpha-2 Adrenergic Agonist the mode of action of alpha-2 adrenergic agonist is not fully understood. It decreases the aqueous production and episcleral venous pressure and improves the aqueous humor outflow. The drug should be used with caution in patients with cardiovascular and obstructive pulmonary disorders. Carteolol hydrochloride (1%), a nonselective -blocking agent with associated sympathomimetic activity, is effective in lowering the intraocular pressure maximally 4 hours after the instillation. Topical betaxolol lowers the intraocular pressure by 15-20% and the peak reduction is noted within 2-3 hours after the instillation in normal and glaucomatous eyes. Betaxolol is the topical beta-blocker of choice in patients with open-angle glaucoma associated with pulmonary problems. However, respiratory difficulties are noticed after the use of betaxolol in certain susceptible and high-risk patients.

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Stromal infiltrates are seldom seen cholesterol medication while breastfeeding buy 30 mg vytorin amex, but a ring of infiltrates (Wessely ring) may be present zetia cholesterol medication side effects purchase vytorin 30mg fast delivery. The presence of keratic precipitates and reduced corneal sensation is helpful in differentiating herpetic disciform keratitis from corneal hydrops cholesterol serum discount vytorin 20 mg with amex. Stromal necrotizing keratitis is an uncommon lesion caused by active invasion and destruction of corneal stroma by herpes virus cholesterol levels requiring medication buy generic vytorin 30 mg. A typical lesion has a cheesy yellowish-white necrotic appearance similar to bacterial keratitis. Complications Herpes simplex keratitis may progress and cause vascularization. Polymerase chain reaction is a sensitive test for the diagnosis of herpetic infection. However, recurrent infections, particularly the stromal, pose serious therapeutic problem. Vidarabine 3% ointment 5 times a day and trifluorothymidine 1% drops 9 times a day are quite effective and less toxic. Acycloguanosine (acyclovir) is a potent antiviral agent which can be used topically as well as orally. Recent studies have shown that acyclovir-resistant strains of herpes simplex can be effectively treated by ganciclovir gel (0. Resistant cases or recurrent infections are managed by debridement of corneal epithelium and a combination of topical and oral acyclovir (800 mg 5 times a day for 10-14 days). Metaherpetic lesions: Antiviral therapy is not needed in the management of metaherpetic keratitis. The erosions may heal with the use of artificial tear drops several times in a day and bandage soft contact lens. Topically applied antiviral drugs are not absorbed by the cornea through intact epithelium; but orally administered acyclovir penetrates the intact cornea epithelium and anterior chamber. Therefore, oral acyclovir (800 mg 5 times a day for 2-3 weeks) is preferred in disciform keratitis and necrotizing herpetic stromal keratitis. It is believed that the virus remains dormant after infection with chickenpox in young age and gets activated at a later stage causing herpes zoster ophthalmicus. The essential lesion in herpes zoster ophthalmicus is an acute hemorrhagic necrotizing gasserian ganglionitis. It always involves the supraorbital, supratrochlear and infratrochlear branches and frequently the nasal branch of trigeminal nerve. Varicella zoster virus lies latent in sensory neural ganglion following the primary infection. An endogenous reactivation of latent virus occurs in elderly persons without any predisposing cause. The disease starts abruptly with severe neuralgic pain along the distribution of the first division of trigeminal nerve often associated with fever, nausea, vomiting and malaise. The symptoms, especially the pain, diminishes within two to three days after the appearance of crops of vesicles on one side of the forehead and the scalp. The lids are edematous and the corneal lesion may vary from a small infiltrate to a big vesicle which may ulcerate. The dendrites of herpes zoster are smaller without central ulceration and terminal bulbs, while that of herpes simplex have central ulceration and terminal bulbs. Vaccinia can cause superficial dendritic or geographical ulceration or a severe keratitis. Topical and systemic vaccinia immunoglobulins may help in the resolution of lesion. There is some evidence to suggest that vidarabine monohydrate and interferon may accelerate healing. Complications the skin vesicles are initially filled with a clear fluid but soon suppurate. Later, neurotrophic keratopathy, a very serious complication of the disease, may develop.

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